Reducing Daily Saving's Cancellation at Jar

My Role

Scoping + Conceptualising

UX/UI Design

Information Architecture



February 2024

Context and Objective

Daily Savings is an everyday micro-savings feature on Jar App where the user sets any amount 10<2000 which gets auto-debited from their accounts. Because of this, it is also called AutoPay Savings. Users can set an amount and sit back to see their wealth accumulate in gold through automatic debits. They also have the freedom to withdraw their savings anytime they want.

We wanted to redesign this funnel to

a. conduct better retention experiments where we diversify user's app discovery journey via this funnel

b. develop a user narrative that creates a position of offering value while acknowledging their pain points

Redesigned screens for Autopay (Daily Savings) Cancellations

The previously live screens for Autopay Cancellation (pictured below), while posing no functional issue, did not create any value to deter users from not cancelling their Daily Savings. It did a utilitarian job at letting the users know the necessary information; how much they've saved so far, how daily savings works, and editing or stoping Daily Savings auto debit.

Previous Autopay Cancellation Screens

Underlining and understanding the problem

🪙 Lack of personalisation

This version of the Autopay cancellation screen offered no value in terms of where the user actually is in their savings journey. Are they a new user? Have they saved even a little bit? Do they see any value in savings? Do they understand how daily savings works?

⛓️‍💥 Disjointed user narrative

There was a single user narrative for all kinds of users, but what stood out to us poorly was a uniform narrative that was siloed from the user journey. It did not give any value or meaning to the users and was neither creating a cohesive user narrative for increased retention.

🏆 No incentivisation or gratification

There was an acute absence of incentivisation and gratification, and it left us seeking out more from the screens. We assessed that the presence of user experience delight could encourage users to not drop off by adding affirmative value to the process.

🔄 No nudge to keep exploring the app

Our data and user research team informed us that amongst other things, when faced with any kind of difficulties in cancelling their daily savings, users were more likely to drop out of the app if they cannot see value than explore the app.

"How might we reduce drop-offs

while creating value and opportunities to explore Jar

for our users at the cancellation stage?"

Let's be honest, our Daily Savings cancellation screens were at this point an illustrative infographic which was more like a placeholder to edit or stop the auto-debit function for the user. We also needed to be able to adjust our aforementioned experiments within the flow so as to not add unnecessary friction but yet aid in reducing product level drop offs. Along with this the cancellation flow itself could be improved with a few hygiene checks.

We bucketed the problems in the following way :

  1. we needed to reduce product level drop offs by creating incentives and delight

  2. our experiments needed to feel organic and non frictional but actionable

  3. our users should be able to feel we are talking to them about their savings journey and not talking about just daily savings

User journey and stages of experiments

User journey charting out which experiments go where and how. Experiments were introduced at two stages and were assigned per cohort. Both the stages of experiments were assigned per different cohort systems.

Brand new autopay cancellation screen

In this redesign, we're now focused on user delight and gratification. While not pictured here, on loading, cash flying into the jar of cash + gold is depicted as the user's total savings is shown. This is focused by a micro-copy showing their savings growth projection for information context.

This is followed by update amount card, which provides the user with personalised amount about how much quicker a user can save more with a slight update in their daily savings amount.

We also redesigned the section educating users about how Daily Savings works, and eliminated the click-ability observed in the previous version and added shorter, crisper, actionable copy.

This was followed by the primary and secondary CTAs which were carried over from the previous version, which did not fundamentally require any change at all.

Prototype of the autopay cancellation screen

Hero saver affirmation after amount update

Retaining users with updated amounts

To personalise user experience further, we've now added a section which specifically informs the user of their amount updated once done.

We incentivised it further by highlighting the user as a hero saver, who can successfully save X amount faster based on their amount update.

Experimenting for user retention

As depicted in the user flow, we added two experiment stages at various points of autopay cancellation journey. Once was right after they tap on the primary "Stop Daily Savings" from the main screen, and second is when they want to move ahead with the cancellation from the first experiments screens, post agreeing to cancel permanently at the point of cancellation confirmation stage. For this flow, and the sake of brevity, I'll be walking you briefly through the first experiment stage which we undertook in this flow.

These experiments were conducted amongst M1 to M6 cohorts, bucketed into their inclination to cancel their daily savings at various points within a month (M1-M2) and for long term savers (M3 and beyond users).

We got the insights from our user research team basis outcomes from the combination of quantitative data and qualitative user interviews focusing mainly on the reasons behind their cancelling and the time chunks when they cancelled the most.

Experiment I : Super Saver Spinner

a.Bottom drawer with Super Spinner Experiment, b. Modal showing timer count down for Super Spinner unlock, c. Super Saver Spinner unlocked state within the Spinner flow

We introduced a special Super Saver Spinner which would get unlocked if the user continues to save for 10 more days instead of dropping off from daily savings. Super Saver Spinner has the main prize of 1gm gold coin. Once the 10 days are over, Super Spinner is unlocked and has the same entry point as the regular spinner flow, the key differentiator being the rewards

Home screen Spinner card with Super Spinner timer

Home screen Super Spinner Unlocked state card

Unlocked Super Spinner reward pop-up within the Spinner flow

Exhausted Super Spinner state screen

Shown above are various Super Spinner states, not necessarily in a particular order.

Experiment II: Growth Based Savings

Growth experiment was conducted to encourage users to keep saving in the longer scheme of time, which in this case was 1 year. Should the user continues, the projected growth was calculated to be an average of 11%. This was mainly to instil an endowed progress effect and to inform and educate about their growth as a retention strategy. Pictured above is the bottom drawer and modal for the Growth experiment.

Experiment III : Unlock Lowest Prices

Lowest gold price experiment too, was time bound just like Super Saver Spinner. Users had the chance to win 7-10% of all time lowest gold prices via special coupons through manual gold purchase if they continued to save for 10 additional days instead of dropping off at the moment. Once they saw the pop-up and agreed to continue saving, they'd see the modal with the day count down and a small expandable section which walked them through how it works.

We saw a reduction in Daily Savings cancellations by 7% in the test cohort, with a difference in users visiting the landing page versus users stopping daily savings by 10%.

In the first few weeks, we observed a noticeable decline in Daily Savings cancellations in the test cohort. We also observed a 1% improvement amongst users updating daily savings amount than was previously. Currently, it is too early to say anything as we are also targeting M3+ user cohorts. We've so far also noticed Spinner experiments to be performing the best. Additionally, as mentioned, users are visiting cancellation page less as well.

© Soumya Raj 2024